Monday, August 30, 2010

Catch up of what has happened so far...

May 3rd, 2010:
WE HAVE A BLOCK!!! We met the agent at the block we wanted today (Hamish's birthday) and were happy with everything he told us and decided to put an offer in, it turned out he is the owner so it was accepted right away! So now we have lots to do to get going, got to get paperwork back to the bank, contact the builder and get that ball rolling and transfer the deposit. Thankfully, it is all going smoothly so far so it is all quite exciting!

June 10th 2010:
Everything is going along swimmingly at home, still waiting on settlement for the block (Can't even remember if I wrote about putting an offer in...think I did...hope I did...) the bank is piss farting us a bit, have pre-approval but it is all the little nitty-gritty stuff trying to get smoothed out. We are hopefully it will happen in the next week or two though :)

House plans are coming along nicely, we have our folder to decide on colours and finishes (SOOOOO very exciting!!!) and are now waiting for the plans to be officially drawn up and get council approved and then the building starts.

August 11th, 2010:
In house news, things are moving, way too slowly for my liking but it is movement all the same! Plans have been finalised, Pre-start has been done, bank papers have been processed colours have been chosen and now we are just waiting on Council approval and then building will start! I will do another post with the block pictures and updated plans that I have finally managed to get onto the computer :)

Since then:
Council approval has come through so our plans have been moved to the scheduling department. It will be about 2-3 weeks before things atrt moving at the block but we are so close now, it is VERY exciting!

Till next time,

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