Sunday, October 24, 2010

Weekly photo update - October 16th 2010

Oops, just found this post was a draft, apparently I didn't post it last week! LOL Sorry!!!
I forgot my wide angle lense when we went up to the block today so these photos are all from my 50mm which means they don't get everything  in one photo but I got most everything in I think! LOL

 Back corner of the house
 Back of the house
Right side of the house (From the back) the bit that pokes out is our ensuite, the window closest to the poking out bit is the nursery and the other window is the lounge
Ensuite and a meter box, Yay!!!
 Front of the house, our WIR window on the left, bedroom window on the right
 Front door and bedroom window
 Living area
 Steve and Jess walking towards bed 5
 Jessie in front of the pantry door
random bit of wall! LOL
 The kids room hallway, I think this was taken from Hamish's room
Hamish's room wardrobe
Another bit of Hamish room (See how much the 50mm cuts out?! LOL)
 Standing roughly in the kitchen, looking at the front of the house
 Front doors
 Our room from the inside
 Back corner, I have added these to the last post, they were from Wednesday 20th, 2010 we took my Pop and Flo up there to see it :)
 Steve surveying his kingdom ;)
 Nayd in bed 5, this will be my sewing, scrapping etc room until we have another baby.
 Bed 5, love the WIR in here!
 Our room, the nursery wall is almost done :)
 My Pop in the pantry, the only time he will be allowed to smoke in the house! LOL
Hamish room
Laundry from outside
 Jessie's room
 Makenzie's room
 The kitchen
 Living areas from the hallway door
 Our bedroom, WIR is the jutting out bit on the left, toilet is the other jutting out wall
Front of the house

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