Sunday, October 24, 2010

Weekly photo update - October 24th, 2010

Every time we go to the house (Yes, it has moved status from block to house! LOL) so much more has happened. Today when we got there it was amazing to see the brickwork is almost finished! Almost all of the rooms are completely done, the music room still has the front wall left to do and the garage isn't done but pretty much everything else is finished!

Our bedroom, the WIR and ensuite walls are up!
 Linen cupboard, the wall still needs to go in at the end closest to the camera, the cupboard door is the one furtherest away, the nursery door is on the left and the bedroom door is on the right

 Jessie in the ensuite doorway

 WIR, taken from the bathroom

 Ensuite toilet

 Looking from the end of the entryway to the front door (The frame has fallen down, that is the wooden stuff on the floor ;) )
Kenz dancing in her room
Jessie pacing out her room
 Hamish in his bedroom door, taken from near the girls rooms

 Living areas and kitchen, pantry is the doorway on the left

 Makenzie posing in her room

Hamish and Kenz in the living areas, Kenz is where the kitchen will be

Kenzie, posing or dancing not sure which one! LOL

Mum in the pantry

 I wanted to get a picture of all 3 kids, this is what came out, no wonder I don't try and get all three together huh! LOL

 Take 2...

 Take 3...

 Take 4, this is where I give up! LOL

 The music room, almost done!

 Another of the music room

 The entryway from where the frame is down at the front door

Front of the house, not much change outside but you can see the difference inside!

Till next time,

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